1. Check-in is between 15:00 and 22:00, while check-out is expected to be completed between 07:00 and 11:00. Please adhere to these designated time frames for a smooth and efficient accommodation experience.
  2. Kindly notify the property in advance regarding your anticipated arrival time.
  3. All children are warmly welcomed on the property. Infants, aged two years and below, are exempt from charges and can stay at no additional cost. Complimentary amenities, including one baby cot and one baby feeding chair, are provided to ensure a comfortable stay for our youngest guests.
  4. For guests under the age of 18, check-in is only permissible in the presence of a parent or legal guardian.
  5. The property owner assumes no responsibility for the guest's personal belongings; however, every effort will be made to safeguard and alert guests to potential hazards. It is strongly recommended to utilize the provided safety deposit box for securing valuable items.
  6. Without prior notice and written consent from the owner, gatherings and loud music are not permitted on the premises. Should you wish to host an event or party during your stay, kindly inform the owner or the reservations department beforehand.
  7. Careful consideration is requested in handling furniture, equipment, and house fixtures, as many items are unique or handmade. Guests are not held liable for minor damages (up to 50 euros).
  8. Guests causing intentional or accidental damage to the property must compensate for the entire repair cost. Upon arrival, guests are encouraged to inspect the property for any minor issues or damages and promptly report noteworthy findings.
  9. Any outstanding balance owed to the accommodation upon arrival must be settled within 24 hours, unless specified otherwise in the booking policies.


Bedingungen und Voraussetzungen



Address: Markou Portaliou 14,
Rethymno, Crete, Greece
Phone: (+30) 2831102796

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